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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the online store Any user who enters and uses the services of e store it confirms and accepts all the conditions set forth in this website, without exception. If you do not accept these conditions, you may not use this site nor make any transaction with this e-shop. Sending of your order implies acceptance of all the terms.

The electronic store is created by the company called "Char. Filippopoulos." headquartered in Chalandri Attika, with store in Athens, G. Gennadiou 8 & Akadimias, 10678, VAT EL07415007. Tel: 210-6823947, e-mail [email protected]

Renewal of Terms of Use

The Company reserves the right to modify or revise freely the content, the terms and conditions of this electronic store transactions, whenever it deems necessary and undertakes the obligation to update the present text of any change or addition to the terms. Please check the terms each time before using this web site.

Copyright and other protected rights

The entire content of this Site, including text, audio and video files are, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the copyright of, without prejudice to any rights not expressly granted herein are not may be reproduced, altered, transmitted, reused, be appropriated, exploited or used in any other way for public or advertising purposes without the prior written permission s company. All the intellectual property rights contained in this Site (including trade names, trademarks, graphics, images, belong to the Company or to third parties rightfully concerned and protected by the Greek and International Law. By accessing this Website you agree that you agree to comply with all copyright laws.


Using this site, you agree fully that the use is at your own risk. Our company makes every effort to provide high quality services, but we can not guarantee that there will be no interruptions or errors.  The information contained in this Web site were collected and tested with the utmost care. The, as good faith is not responsible and is not bound for awareness, accuracy and / or quality of this information and mistakes due to an error in the data entry in the online store. Any reference or links (links) to other sites, is provided for your convenience and the company is not responsible for the contents, products, services (advertising or selling) on this site. Product photos are indicative. The use of this website and downloading of data is at your own risk. The assumes no responsibility for any damage, in particular to data files in machinery or user software, resulting from such action. The companies in the context of transactions from the online store are not responsible for any damages that may result from the execution or not of orders or execution of any delay for any reason. No guarantee can be provided for the availability of products.

If the availability or delivery time differs from that appearing on the product page, the company will promptly inform customers about availability. In no event shall we be responsible for any civil or criminal proceedings for any damage which, without limitation, constitutes a loss of profits, data, etc. that may be suffered visiting the shop or third reason is related to the operation or not and / or the use of the website and / or the inability to provide products and / or information.

User Responsibility

Users agree and undertake the responsibility not to use the electronic store:

  • Mission, publication, send an e-mail or otherwise transmit any Content that is illegal for any reason, causing injury and unlawful infringement in or to any third party or affects the confidentiality or privacy of any person information.
  • Mission, publication, send an e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that causes a breach of morality, social values, etc. are minors.
    Mission, publication, send an e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that users do not have the right to broadcast in accordance with the law or valid contracts (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part labor relations or covered by confidentiality agreements).
  • Mission, publication, send an e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of others.
  • Mission, publication, send an e-mail or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage , destruction or equipment the operation of any computer software or hardware intentional or unintentional violation of applicable laws or rules harass third parties in any way collect or store personal data about other users.

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